Friday, January 27, 2012

Interview With James Bopp of Citizens United

Last week I attended a conference in New Orleans called "FEC v. Citizens United: The End of Democracy As We Know It?" The conference discussed and debated the significance of the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision. The decision ended limits on corporate spending for political campaigns, citing First Amendment rights to free speech.

Guest Blog: A Peak Inside My Cluttered Mind

So I'm guessing just like me, you guys have read my blogs and said, "That sounds great, but..." and did nothing. That is exactly how I felt the first time someone introduced meditation to me. I didn't think I could actually meditate. The response I got when stating my "can't do" attitude was that I should meditate about it. Great advice, right? But how? So many months went by and I was still feeling stressed at every moment: Headaches, stiff neck, sore muscles, agitation, irritability, etc. Then I met someone that didn't tell me to "meditate" on my reaction to meditation; she offered to actually help me learn how to meditate. She asked for 10 minutes a day for two weeks and an open mind. I started simple with some of the techniques I've already shared with you; by increasing the time spent meditating, I increased my results.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Interview With Robert Weissman of Public Citizen

Last week I attended a conference in New Orleans called "FEC v. Citizens United: The End of Democracy As We Know It?" The conference discussed and debated the significance of the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision. The decision ended limits on corporate spending for political campaigns, citing First Amendment rights to free speech.

Guest Blog: A Peak Inside My Cluttered Mind

A Celebration Of My Life With All Of You

I turned 38 today. I looked in the mirror and laughed to myself remembering when the thought of 38 was just plain "old" to me. But I don't feel old (At least not most days.). I feel experienced, learned, lived... but not old. I realized that it isn't all the things that I've been through in my life that have made me who I am but the people that I've experienced those events with. So today, rather than celebrate my birthday, I am celebrating the relationships of my past and present with the people who have made such a big difference in my life.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Guest Blog: A Peak Inside My Cluttered Mind

Here I am again, STRESSED OUT, hoping that someone somewhere will give me the secret to living a stress-free life. (By all means, please continue to search and if you find the secret, share it with the rest of us.) Most of us encounter stress every day in some form or fashion. Those of us that are lucky have learned techniques to help deal with them. I am happy to share yet another way to help, and hopefully make your day a little brighter.

Why the Check Engine Light must go

If you're anything like me, you find the "Check Engine" light that shows up on your car's dashboard very easy to ignore. I know I'm not alone in this because a movement has sprung up on the internet to do away with the Check Engine light, and it's gaining steam.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Guest Blog: Healthy Cookie

Hi, my name is Cookie and I'd like to blog about healthy living.

Guest Blog: A Peak Inside My Cluttered Mind

A Five-Minute Break From Everyday Life

Be still, mentally and physically
Everyone has experienced a stressful day at some point or another. For some of us, stress is a part of our everyday lives. But in today's world of "Hurry up!" and "I'm running a few minutes late!" there never seems to be enough time to de-stress ourselves. For years, health professionals have studied the effects of stress on our overall health and well-being; in recent years, those studies have been focused on the effects of our mental state as compared to our physical health. What good is being healthy if you still feel bad?

Monday, January 2, 2012

New New Years Resolutions

If you are going through hell, keep going.
-Winston Churchill

Happy New Year everybody! If you're anything like me, it's going to take you a while to get used to saying "2012," which is the first year that really makes it sound like we're in The Future.