Our mission is to improve the quality of life in our parish.
We will protect life and property through partnership with our communities. We
respect the rights of all citizens by upholding the U.S. Constitution and the
Law of Louisiana. We will perform our duties by adhering to our core beliefs:
Integrity, Professionalism, Compassion and Fairness.
-Mission Statement, St. John the Baptist Parish Sheriff's Office
As family and friends celebrate the lives of Deputies Brandon Neilsen and Jeremy Triche—the two officers of the St. John Sheriff's Office who were slain in last Thursday's tragedy—we should all be reminded that many of our public servants go to work every day to protect and serve.
These brave men and women literally face the risk of not coming home to their families because of the risks of the job—a job that pays not nearly enough and doesn't offer suitable benefits. Never mind that some "bad apples" on the force cause problems and get bad press. These bad press are the exception; they don't represent the vast majority of the force, the true heroes that take care of us, day-in and day-out.
At Redmann Law, we've had the privilege to represent many officers who've been injured and didn't get the respect from insurance companies that they deserved as officers working to protect the public at large. So next time you see a police officer, take a few seconds just to let him or her know how much you appreciate the dedication and sacrifices he or she makes in order to do a job that is absolutely essential to all of us.
And let us hope that none of these servants will have to make the supreme sacrifice like the late Officers Neilsen and Triche.
Thank you, Men & Women in Blue, and Godspeed!
by John W. Redmann
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